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August 01, 2018 2 min read

Feeling super grateful tonight!  Let me explain.  Before my first daughter, me being a man’s man {grunt}, I always thought I wanted and therefore would have a son or sons to teach to fish and use tools, like I my father taught me.  It’s the only thing I knew!  To keep this as short as possible, Charley was born.  My first born daughter, my little girl!  I was instantly in love and ready to get wrapped around that finger!  You see, Charley was born a few months before I started doing leatherwork full time for my only income.  Sometimes I wonder how I’ve made it so long with Anvil, or better yet, how I’ve survived through a pretty bad recession early on with Anvil.  I’ll say this, I’ve always told myself to do whatever it takes to provide for your family.  This meant sometimes doing what I previously did and that was buy & sell blacksmith anvils and tools as well as a full time Youth Minister in Cape Girardeau, MO.  Charley is 12 now and Anvil is 13.  Writing it down here and now, it does seem very interesting to me.  I don’t know why yet though.  Lol

Chandler, my 6 year old daughter, is the complete opposite of her beloved sister, Charley.  Chandler will wrestle with any spiders, snakes or worms......& the girl loves to go to the river and catch whatever loving organism she can.  That’s something she and I share.......getting our bare hands into this are earth.  Truly FEELING the earth and planet we live on.  I dunno, am I rambling on?  

I guess I just wanted to say thank you to my customers.  Every day that goes by, each one of you become more and more like family to me.  I’ve experienced a support from my customer base this past year than I ever have in the past 13 years!  This is truly GREAT news!  

I’m so honored that you would choose my designs and leathercraft over anyone else’s.  Truly, truly honored.  Thank you so much for allowing me to make a comfortable living for my family, we are humbled by your generosity.