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February 13, 2017 1 min read

Next on our list of featured tools we use around the shop is the Economy Hand-Operated Bluegrass "EZ Edge" Strap Edger. This beauty is designed to put an even edge on leather straps of various widths. We use a two-sided version in the shop, but they also offer a four-sided version as well. The business end of the edger has two machined cylinders that have six evenly spaced razor sharp holes cut into the side. Each of the holes is numbered so that you can keep track of the wear of the blades evenly. Once both "1" holes are dull, you can rotate each blade to cut with the "2" holes. This ensures that each side of the strap is edged symmetrically and consistently. Once the blades are adjusted to the appropriate width, one end of the strap is placed between the blades and manually pulled through.

Primarily we use the edger when we make belts... and we make a ton of belts. You're sure to get your shoulder workout by using this machine. And that's about it. Many of the tools are elegant in their simplicity which seems to be a running theme with this series of posts.