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January 26, 2017 1 min read

I'll try to avoid saying that like it's a quote from Thunder Dome in my head over and over. 

We pretty much try all of the suggestions our fans come up with or request at least to the prototype phase. Currently we're developing an IPad  case which is nearing completion. They'll be on the shop soon so keep your eyes open. Other requests are in earlier stages of development? We have a concept phase that usually gets rolled around in Ryan's head for a few months. We take our time to make sure that every aspect of a design is feasible for development. We have to consider both the type of leather and the cost of the final product to us and the consumer. Some products end up being too complicated to follow through with. They end up going back to the drawing board.

Once we've decided that a product is viable we enter the prototype phase. Each product goes through several stages of revision until we come up with a final design. Our high quality leather takes awhile to break in, so we also want to consider how the product will age. We check stress points and see if we need to reinforce any sections that require stitching or hardware.

Ultimately we end up with a final product that we're proud to call an Anvil Custom. Our dedication to quality is of the upmost priority.