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October 28, 2014 5 min read

The following is a written and shared review Originated by The Beard Commander


"Good day friends and family, 

     It's that time again! As most of you know, I am sent several items per year for review. This latest arrival is one of the coolest and one that I am very passionate about. I have been a wallet collector for years. Meaning that I see way too many that I am all ramped up about and I love high quality leather goods. It's been hard to say no to just one wallet until I discovered Anvil Customs.  

     Ryan had reached out to me and asked if I would give one of his latest wallets a review, and I said hell yes, send it on. When the package arrived I could already smell the leather and I tore into the package like a 7 year old tearing into christmas presents. I have been calling this wallet "The Tank" ever since I pulled it out of the box. This wallet is not for the light hearted and for those who are use to carrying a money clip. This wallet is a beast and one that you will find yourself carrying for years. I have been carrying this wallet for a few months now and she is just now starting to take shape of my back pocket. For such a formidable size she fits in the pack pocket very comfortably and even after driving in the truck for hours on end or logging miles on the Harley she is hardly noticed to be back there even when loaded down with all of my personal effects.   

    Let's start off with a brief description. This is a tri-fold wallet. She measures 7" tall by about 4.50" inches wide. The leather is thick and hearty, black in color, with matching black stitching. The stitching of Anvil's products is a bit overkill and I will get to that later in this review. The stitching is beautifully done with no loose ends and has the finish of a high end european car's leather seat. There are two big brass snaps that have been coated black that open up this beast. Once you unsnap them it reveals a double stacked card pocket that is perfect for quick access business cards, credit cards, etc. On the inside of the flap that you just opened I found a flap that holds my beard comb from Old Familiar Comb Company just perfectly. Almost as if it was made for this wallet.  

   Now that the wallet is open the overwhelming aroma of leather pours out as if someone just lit a leather candle. I don't know about you but I love the smell of high grade leather! One the backside of that first flap is a sheet of leather going side to side with a center cut slit that allows for all types of goods to be stored there as far as additional cards and goodies. The center section offers lovely storage for cash and other items you would need access too. Behind the middle cash slot there is a spacious pocket that fits my Field Notes book just perfect!! To finish off this wallet there is a riveted on attachment point for your chain wallet.  

   To be honest I have been a fan of Anvil's products for years. I bought by first Biker Wallet from him some 8 years ago and I still carry it every day. After 8 years of abuse riding in the rain, working out of it day in and day out she is just now starting to break in. I do take the time to clean my leather wallet every year and then give it a good oiling and allow to sit open over night to dry and to soak up the oils. Over the years I have gone through many wallets only to be disappointed that it would last just a few years before cracking, tearing, snaps breaking, zippers pulling out, and or stitching coming out and fraying. To date I have NEVER had any of these problems with Anvil's products.  

   Anvil builds his products to last and stands behind his products like no other company I have heard of. Anvil's products are built like tanks and built to last. He only uses premium products and in return you get a high quality item that will last for generations. Anvil also puts a LIFETIME warranty on his products for manufacturer defects. Meaning the stitching will not come undone, the attachment point will not come undone, the snaps will not tear out of the leather. Should you completely abuse your wallet and some years down the road the snap wears out and or you have some how torn the leather then all he asks is that you cover the materials and he will fix your wallet. I have never come close to wearing anything out and or breaking anything on any of his products, and this is why he builds them to such high standards. He's concerned about the product he churns out and not the bottom line. He is a small hand crafter of leather goods that still makes things the old fashioned way…….with love and respect for his customers first and foremost.  

   Let's briefly talk about price. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. My father use to tell me this and I learned at a young age to appreciate the finer things in life. I have always tried to buy the best that I could afford while keeping in mind that it will last longer thus costing me less in the long run. Anvil's products are not the cheapest on the market and he does not hide this fact. But what you get for your hard earned dollar is the highest quality item in his field. There is no disputing the quality of the items he hand crafts! But in order to obtain such high quality leather goods you can expect to pay for them accordingly.  

   If you are in the market for a new wallet or custom leather craft then I strongly urge you to reach out to Anvil Customs and look over their product line and or talk to them about a custom 1 off piece. You will not be sorry that you did!! On a side note, Anvil also makes some of the nicest wallet chains I have run across. I have been using his for years and I retired my last one to upgrade to a beautiful black stainless and copper model to match this new wallet. 

 Anvil Customs



Thanks for reading,

Beard Commander