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September 30, 2013 1 min read

Christmas Gifts for men, Black Friday Specials, Leather Biker Wallets 

It's October 1st!  Which means its time to start shopping for all those Christmas gifts for those people in your life who are deserving enough to get the very best...

Think it's too early to do your Christmas shopping? Well maybe it is, but here at Anvil Customs, we think anytime is a good time to buy quality handmade leather wallets, whether it be biker wallets, regular bifold wallets, leather trifold wallet, or a long leather chain wallet.  Maybe you're gift recipient already has a biker wallet and what they really need is a custom wallet chain!  Anvil guarantees you will NOT find any tougher wallet chains than direct from himself!  Anvil uses much heavier gauge stainless steel wire in all his chainmaille wallet chains and you shouldn't settle for any less, ESPECIALLY any wallet chains that are made from aluminum!  I can't believe some think that aluminum will be strong enough for a wallet chain.

Want to go the extra mile for your special person this holiday gift giving season?  Add an Anvil Leather Belt to your order and give it to them on Christmas morning!  It's guaranteed smiles.....choose from nearly a dozen different good leather belts

Keep your eyes on the Anvil Website for upcoming BLACK FRIDAY specials that will blow you away!  Score some sweet deals for yourself and the people on your Christmas list!

Do yourself and loved one a favor and BUY AMERICAN!  Keep your money here in this great country!