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September 21, 2013 3 min read

You need a belt.  You need a good leather belt.  You drive to the mall.  You drive all the way to the mall.  You thumb through belts.  You thumb through all the crappy, bonded-leather belts in the department stores.  You get mad.  You get very, very mad.  

At this point, you have realized quality is dead.  Well, it's been dead for many a season.  Our international trade laws have opened many doors to commerce for those wanting to flip the dollar, but it has slammed shut many more doors to good old American craftsmanship and good quality work.  The kind of work that only comes by human hands.  I've never seen it with my own eyes, but when I imagine the time back when 'our things' were built by hand with pride, I think about a scene often seen in movies where an old shoe repairmen is finishing off a cobbler's edge on a pair of shoes dropped off at his little corner shop in New York City.  His customer would bring in the pair of worn out leather shoes of which the soles were worn down into the stitching, greatly needing sole-replacement.  The shoe repairman would careful remove said soles and replace them with the highest quality cowhide leather shoe soles available to him.  He would use his Landis Model K Sole Stitcher to sturdily reattach the new soles to the shoes.  Up on the shelf they would go until that evening, when the customer would return after his day at work to pick them up.  Cost would be around $15 for this service, that included materials and labor.  This was back when shoes needed sole replacement.  Today, shoes are made from plastic or foam or if they're leather, its all glued together... no need for Mr. Shoe Repairman.

Get the picture?  I do.  I hope you do too. 

Celebrate the honor of true american craftsmanship.  Anvil does this in hopes to bring back just a little of that Americana spirit shared in that New York City Shoe Repair Shop.  Do you need a belt?  Are you going straight to the department store who imported their 'glue-bonded-leather' belts to shop for one?  Do yourself a favor, buy a true american made belt from a craftsman who passionately makes belts from scratch, by his hands.  In most cases, you won't even spend much more money on the belt.  To be frank, Anvil doesn't even care if you buy one of his good leather belts, just buy a good handmade belt from a belt maker here in the United States of America.  Anvil guarantees all his belts for life, so do many other American belt crafters... do you think department stores will stand behind that belt for the life of it?  Doubtful.

Anvil leather belts are all cut by hand from genuine Hermann Oak Leather.  Anvil hand picks his Herman Oak Leather hides straight from the 200 year old historic tannery on 1st Street in Downtown St. Louis, MO.  All belt are stained by hand, edged by hand, tooled by hand, hole punched by hand, conditioned by hand and finished by hand.  Whether you are looking to buy yourself a handmade leather belt or you are buying a loved one their Christmas gift (an Anvil leather belt would make a great Christmas gift for men), please do yourself some good:  Shop American, Buy American.

Anvil Leather Belts: