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November 04, 2013 1 min read

So there's a man in Nebraska who filed a police report for his stolen motorcycle back in 1967. He was contacted by the Department of Revenue of the Port of Los Angeles asking for proper identification to prove he is the rightful owner of a 1953 Triumph Tiger 100 that the US Customs & Border Patrol recovered. The vintage motorcycle was on a boat about to leave for Japan! The California Highway Patrol will be returning the bike to the now 70 year old man in Nebraska. Get this: The Bill of Lading (from the international shipping docs) reported a value of $9,000, but when the rightful owner filed his police report back in 1967, he listed its value at $300! I blame inflation, but no really, which is the more important lesson to learn here? Is it that our governmental back offices do actually work for the good, or is it that we all need to start investing in the economics of commerce instead of egotistics of the stock market?  The owner's name was not released.  Actual motorcycle that was stolen is pictured here.