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May 13, 2019 2 min read

Everyone has had buyer's remorse at some point in their lives. You make a purchase, expecting one thing and the actual object at the end of the day turns out to be a bit of a let down. At R.T. Anvil we encourage all of our customers to really, truly consider the quality of any purchase they make, not just on our site but everywhere. The world is a big place, full of a lot of folks who will say just about anything to get a buck. You work far too hard to end up with something you're going to be disappointed with.

Luckily, at Anvil we're aware of every facet, every detail every stitch and square inch of the products we make. So we're extremely confident in our customers satisfaction with their purchase. There are other, larger, companies who make wallets, belts and accessories who skimp out on materials, who mass produce thousands of these weak, flimsy products all for the benefit of the bottom line. And by all means, if that's what you're looking for be our guest and go snag one of those.

But if you're looking for the real deal, that true American craftsmanship, at the end of the day R.T. Anvil is the place to come to. We're a company of just three people, in Springfield, Missouri. We love what we do and we're absolutely honored to have the patrons we do. Your patronage puts bread on table for our families and we're perpetually thankful for that. Because of that support, we're fervently committed to making sure every Anvil Wallet, Anvil Belt, or any other Anvil product we dream up is something you won't have buyer's remorse over.