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September 15, 2017 1 min read

Do you have a store account? You can enter to win this collection of awesome Anvil Swag!

Right now we have a contest going on for creating a store account at Anvil Customs! It's stupid easy to do and gives you access to some of the best things on the site, so you should get on it! What cool things you ask?

How about Loyalty Rewards points? Oh Yes!

How about Exclusive Promo Codes? Absolutely!

Early Access to Sales? Heck Yea!

Sneak Peaks of upcoming products? Most Definitely!

What about Contests and Giveaways? Fo Sho!

On October 5th we'll hold a raffle and send an email out to the winner! It's just that simple folks. Now GO FORTH AND MAKE A STORE ACCOUNT!

Psst, BTW Already Have an Account? No Problem, you're already entered to win! Look at you, you over achiever! Way to be!