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May 01, 2019 1 min read

Anvil Customs many moons ago gained some of our most OG friends by heading to a little chopper rally in North Carolina called "The Smoke Out"- a true biker paradise, festival of debauchery and otherwise zany good time. This year happens to be their 20th anniversary, and if you're into that biker culture it's bound to be one you don't want to miss. 

So let's say you want to raise a little hell? What types of shenanigans can you get yourself into out there? All sorts of rad stuff. Incredible rock and blues music, a painted lady contest, mini-bike races, drift trikes, 50s style drag races OH and of course the epic Ride-In-Bike Show!  Check their website for all the pertinent deets. If you go, be on the lookout for Anvil Crew. I'm certain there'll be a few!