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April 22, 2019 2 min read

Over the course of the previous few years we've been working toward offering an improved selection of hardgoods that compliment our high quality leather goods. One of the things we're quite protective of is the quality of craftsmanship of any product that comes from Anvil Customs. Many members of the Anvil Crew will no doubt have noticed the ever growing selection of men's silver accessories, including rings, cuffs, and wallet chains. Paired with the overwhelming response to our new premium wallet hardware, as well as the brass knucks it's clear that the demand is out there for these types of high quality items. We've invested a lot of time and consideration for many of these products in an effort to develop a keen eye for quality. 

Part of our search for high quality craftsmen, capable of producing the type of materials our customer's have grown to expect has led us to Thailand. The premium wallet hardware we've come to implement is manufactured there by American expat and good friend of Anvil Customs, 'Thailand Mike'. Ryan's first trip to Thailand is to physically see the production environment and explore the ways in which we can foster our creative relationship with our connection there.

It's important to know RyanTheAnvil is committed to designing every inch of the hardgoods expansion carefully and meticulously in house. In order to meet demand and quality standards in production we're potentially going to lean on our friends in Thailand.

All of that to say, in the coming months expect to see some truly exciting things as we grow into offering some killer hardgoods. We think you'll be impressed with the superior products we plan to put forth. As always we thank you for your trust and patronage.