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February 08, 2014 1 min read

Anvil is very excited to get his Quartermaster knife in hand to feel the function of this sweet looking little tactical knife.  Here's a blip from the Quartermaster website:  

"The knife that inspired an entire range of products for QTRM5TR. In late 2011, we were asked by a CA knife design firm to create a supercharged version of their ultra-successful tactical folder. The ORB® pivot system and our trade-dress protected, tri-spoke pivot assembly system are the major upgrades to the frame and styling of the knife. We opted to use a powder metallurgy steel to further enhance the quality of the knife. With the original designer’s permission, we’re producing limited numbers of the QTR-1 “H.M. Murdock” and we’re excited to show enthusiasts around the Country what a little extra ingenuity will do to the performance of an already exceptional knife design."

It's available in several different finishes and Anvil happens to be getting the Texas Tea finish.  And BEST OF ALL, these great knives are MADE IN THE USA!  Anvil wouldn't have it any other way....