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August 04, 2015 1 min read

My youngest daughter turns 4 this month.  She's been telling me everyday the past couple weeks how she wants to go fishing.  She sees her Barbie fishing pole in my shop along side all my fishing poles and she just gets so excited and asks when is Daddy taking her fishing.  

I love owning my own business.  I love leatherwork and all that is involved from design thought to the finished stitch.  I love making my own hours.  I love selling what I make by hand.....that's incredibly rewarding!  However, I love nothing more than watching my girls grow up doing the things that I did when I was their age.  My dad took me fishing.  I don't remember catching many fish, but I remember how much fun was had.  

There are so many local fishing spots here around Springfield, MO.  I think I'll take her to Springfield Lake so I can show her what it means to Slay the Bluegill, poor worms.  She is going to get such a kick out of it.  I can't wait.  

That's my two cents today.  Cheers.