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August 29, 2019 1 min read

You already know about the Anvil Crew Forum right? Right. That's where we post our Wednesday Auctions. Additionally there are other topics you might want to follow too? We've got a place for people to show off their bikes, or any other EDC gear they're sporting. You can introduce yourself to other Crew Members and generally share information with each other. There's also a board for collectors who are looking to buy and sell their Anvil Customs products! 

We've also started a leader board for accruing points. You'll be able to get to the top by creating new topics and generally interacting with the forum. In the future we hope to reward our top members with exclusive Anvil Swag, and we'll make an announcement when we're ready to pull the trigger on that. If you'd like to read more about how the system works read more about it on the forum!