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March 19, 2020 2 min read

Help Insulate Small Businesses During Economic Hardship By Supporting Them First!

This may come as a surprise to you but most small businesses operate on slim profit margins. As a result they're frequently most at risk of losing their revenue streams and going out of business when the economy gets rough. Even the most agile, adept and intelligent business owner can fail quickly without the support of the people around them. Even when the economy is going good it is difficult at times to operate a small business. Industries are fickle, and what's good today may not fly tomorrow. Right now, some of the businesses you love WILL go under. Stimulus and economic aid aside... there are going to be some who just won't be able to make it. 

If it's something you feel like you can do, take a moment to look at the ways your favorite small businesses are adjusting to the changing landscape of this wild quarantine life we're living. Understand that the people behind those businesses are working their asses off to make sure they can make ends meet. If there's any way you can patron those businesses I implore you to do so. Maybe it's just buying a gift card or maybe you can swing making an outright purchase. If that's the case I cannot stress enough that these people need your support. 

Downtown Springfield is usually pretty bustling. Right now everything is pretty much shut down. Our fantastic restaurants and breweries are offering curbside pick up. Unfortunately it doesn't look like the impact of this COVID-19 Situation is going to get better over night. People will likely be dealing with the fallout of this virus for months. All of that to say, it's all of the sudden odd times. Everyone do your best to keep your chin up, your head screwed on straight, your eyes open and your hands clean!