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March 16, 2020 2 min read

Be Informed. Be Healthy. Be Reasonable. Be Kind.

We are blessed to have a community of superior customers. As such we are inclined to keep it that way. It is in our best interest, and everyone else's to ensure that everyone makes it through this Coronavirus / COVID19 pandemic as smoothly as possible. Now... this might come as a surprise to you but we are not healthcare experts... but we do care about you people so we thought we'd take a moment to share some of the information that the CDC has put out in order to help spread the word. 

The CDC web portal for COVID19 Information can be found here.


The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.*

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

*This is based on what has been seen previously as the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses.

SOAP - Not Just for Fight Club

Soap is dope. It destroys the virus on your skin. You don't need to know how  it does that in order to use it though. So wash your hands ya filthy scrub. And if you would like to know how soap works, check out this article (Don't worry, there are pictures!)

Have A Plan

If your plan is "drive to Wal-Mart and buy all of the toilet paper you can" need to have a better plan. The CDC has some great, simple guidelines to help you prepare.

Social Distancing - a buzzword that says, "It's okay to stay home and be lazy"

There's a lot of talk about flattening the curve, which as we understand it really means slowing down the infection rate. That way hospitals aren't overwhelmed. It sounds like a lot of folks are going to eventually catch a case of this thing, the biggest question is when. If we can slow down the infection rate hopefully we can ease the burden on our healthcare system. This virus affects the lungs, and we only have enough ventilators at any one time for so many people. You can check out a simulator and a frankly much more informative article about how Social Distancing works here!

Parting Thoughts

If you find yourself bored while you're doing the whole self-quarantine thing, consider making something. Our brains are fundamentally wired to get creative on a regular basis. Now is the perfect time to do some of those things around the house that you have been putting off. Of course, after your at-home projects are complete, consider helping us weather this storm by making a purchase from our catalog here at We have some new wallets just listed that you might really enjoy and plenty of great classics.  And most importantly, whatever you do, try to stay positive friends. This too shall pass.