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March 04, 2020 1 min read

The Puritan Wallet is one of the unique styles of wallets we offer, and one of the best for simple, everyday carry. At Anvil Customs, we're known for making "substantial" wallets —tough items that can withstand the test of time. That same philosophy doesn't stop at our full sized wallets however. The Puritan is effectively a type of gourmet pocket wallet that is sure to quickly become one of, if not your favorite wallet to carry.

The Puritan design is simple yet effective. It features two sides, each with a unique pocket style. Additionally one corner of the wallet extends up to allow room for a lathed grommet to be installed. This grommet is an ideal wallet chain attachment. 

One side of the wallet has an upside down "L" shaped flap pocket that allows cards and cash to be inserted. The tension provided by the opposite sewn corner of the pocket holds your items snug as a bug in a rug. The opposite features a rounded "T" shaped opening that looks a little like a mushroom. This pocket is designed for quick access to your most used cards.

Puritan Wallets are approximately 4 inches by 5 inches. That's the perfect size to fit into any pocket, and especially once they're broken in you won't even notice it's in your pocket. If you take a moment to glance at the cowhide product listing, you'll see 9 Five Star Reviews that all pretty much say the same thing. This is a product Anvil Customs can be proud of.