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September 06, 2018 1 min read

From time to time, I like to shout out my favorite people, things, places, etc.  Below is a short list of my current Likes.  If you've followed me for a while, you know I don't at all mind shouting out my liking of fellow leatherworkers who also are in the business.  So don't be surprised by my choices here, I would love to see everyone WIN at now, you should know that.

Heyltje Rose, leatherwork:  I first met Heyltje at the Horse Backstreet Choppers Smokeout in 2010 in Rockingham, NC.  She has that very thing you want out of a  Something that lacks within 99% of all leatherworkers in our market genre.  Big plus is she specializes in lady's jewelry too!  Just some of the sickest and most original designs you can think up.  You can find her here:  ---- Instagram @heyltjerose 

My friend overseas:  I have a friend who has helped me for some time now, he use to live in LA doing animated graphics for major Hollywood productions as well as Disney movies.  A few years back he moved to the Tropics of Asia and is living life to the fullest.  He has put together a large collection of handmade leather items suitable for the motorcycle industry and you are SURE to find something you like at:

FOOD:  Druff's Gormet Grilled Cheese --

Falstaff Local Bar & Grill (yes, named after the famous beer) --

Civil Kitchen (good locally acquired ingredients) -

I'll be adding to this list from time to time, thanks for reading.